Friday, December 5, 2014

Do you like you? - تحبّي نفسك؟

Do You Like you?!
تحبي نفسك؟

For the longest time i'v always hated my self for the way my hips looked so big compared to the rest of my body ,the way i have a double chin and the fact that i could never go in a store and just buy a peice of clothing and know it will be my size.

With the relizations that i made about a year ago about weight loss came the relization that i need to like me the way i am now the big hips and the double chin, because as i said in my last weightloss post,it will take time for me to loose all the weight i want.I need to accept my body size and shape because its not going away anytime soon.

So for today's post i wanted to tell you some of the things that helped me accept my self more.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Be Present!-كن حاضراً

بسم الله

وحدة من الاشياء اللي مرة تنرفزني بالجيل حقي و الاصغر مني هي ارتباطنا الشديد بالجوالات و مواقع التواصل و غيرها.مرة يقهرني لما اكون خارجة مع صحباتي او مع عيلتي و كل احد جالس على جواله و مو جالس يعطي اهتمامه للآشخاص اللي حواليه.يعني ايش اهم انك تعيش اللحظة ولا تكتب عنها في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي؟!

Friday, November 28, 2014

My weight Story-قصتي مع وزني

I decided to dedicate a section on my blog for my weight loss progress because i have been struggling with my weight since i can remember and i know many of you do to.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Post!! - التدوينة الأولى

بسم الله 


if you are reading this that means my blog cached your attention and that makes me really happy :D